Starting May 1st, the COVID-19 Relaxation Ordinance requires one meter distance between people in public places (More info). In addition, covering the face is imposed in closed public places such as shops or other business premises. Also, business operators must ensure 10 m² per customer in the premises. Any public event including cultural and sportive […]
Luxembourg’s COVID-19 Exposure
On March 18, Luxembourg issued the prohibition of movement of all persons except under certain specific reasons, such as, going grocery shopping, going to work, and when seeking health care services. All cultural, social, festive, sportive and recreational activities are suspended. Company canteens are closed, unless a distance of two meters between every two people […]
Ireland’s Reaction to COVID-19
On March 24 2020, the Government updated public health guidelines on COVID-19 that provide for the closure of all non-essential businesses, and that state that individuals should stay at home except to go to work, care for others, and essential shopping.
COVID-19 Affecting Japan
The government established the COVID-19 Control Center and determined a basic policy for the control of the COVID-19 pandemic and a basic countermeasure policy for the control of COVID-19 infection.
US Response to COVID-19
For public and private employers, OSHA has developed Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 that is advisory in nature and should be used to help identify possible work-related exposure and health risks and to determine which control measures are most appropriate to implement in the workplace.
United Kingdom – COVID-19
On March 23, the UK Prime Minister announced the Government’s decision to ban gatherings of more than two people and implement strict limits on exercise.
United Arab Emirates and Their COVID-19 News
Private employers and enterprises are advised to take precautionary measures to protect employees’ health from the new coronavirus by cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, and by providing disinfectants at the workplace, employees’ accommodations and vehicles used to transport workers.
Turkey’s Response to COVID-19
Turkey suspended collective mosque prayers until further notice to limit the spread of the new coronavirus while ordering the closure of public spaces including cinemas.
Taiwan’s Exposure to COVID-19
On January 15, 2020, the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that COVID-19 was added as an infectious disease under the fifth category and is subject to the requirements under the Communicable Disease Control Act and related regulations.