On March 11th, the Hungarian Government declared a state of emergency in the country. An initial curfew was declared on March 27th for two weeks, but on April 9th, The Prime Minister extended the curfew indefinitely.
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South Africa’s COVID-19 Exposure
On 23 March 2020, the President of South Africa announced a nationwide lock-down. According to the order, individuals will not be allowed to leave their homes except under strict circumstances, such as to seek medical care, buy food and other essential supplies, or collect a social grant.
China’s Exposure to COVID -19 What’s next?
China As a Country: On February 25, 2020, the National Health Commission published the Notice on Scientifically and Accurately Conducting a Good Job in the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic. (http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2020-02/25/content_5483024.htm) The Notice provides a series of technical specifications on the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic, including the Technical Specification on the Prevention […]
Hong Kong’s Responses to COVID-19
The Center for Health Protection published a series of guidelines on the prevention and control of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) (See Here). Among others, the Health Advice on Prevention of Coronavirus disease in Workplace (Interim) specifies the recommended precautionary measures for the employers to take at their workplaces to minimize the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19. The Guide […]
Mexico’s Response to COVID-19
On March 26th, the Mexican Government restricted all economic activities except for the essential activities which include the provision of medical services and supplies, grocery stores and grocery delivery services, restaurant delivery and carryout services, assurance of public safety, maintenance of fundamental economic functions and government social programs, as well as the work in critical […]
Austria’s response to COVID-19
Starting May 1st, the COVID-19 Relaxation Ordinance requires one meter distance between people in public places (More info). In addition, covering the face is imposed in closed public places such as shops or other business premises. Also, business operators must ensure 10 m² per customer in the premises. Any public event including cultural and sportive […]
Luxembourg’s COVID-19 Exposure
On March 18, Luxembourg issued the prohibition of movement of all persons except under certain specific reasons, such as, going grocery shopping, going to work, and when seeking health care services. All cultural, social, festive, sportive and recreational activities are suspended. Company canteens are closed, unless a distance of two meters between every two people […]
Ireland’s Reaction to COVID-19
On March 24 2020, the Government updated public health guidelines on COVID-19 that provide for the closure of all non-essential businesses, and that state that individuals should stay at home except to go to work, care for others, and essential shopping.
COVID-19 Affecting Japan
The government established the COVID-19 Control Center and determined a basic policy for the control of the COVID-19 pandemic and a basic countermeasure policy for the control of COVID-19 infection.