Are you ready for the challenge?
For most companies, employees working remotely were an exception rather than the rule. But now…
COVID-19 has turned the world upside down.
In many countries, employers are responsible for the health and safety aspects of home offices. COVID-19 continues to change the day-to-day reality for most businesses, leaving some scrambling to define a new normal while maintaining important business operations. All while trying to protect the health and safety of their employees.
That’s where RegScan can help: with our new i-Comply Home Office Rules.
i-Comply Home Office Rules checklists are designed to support an Office audit or self-assessment. It guides the user through a series of questions specifically created for Owned, Operated, or Tenant-style Office Locations within a given jurisdiction, and is designed to help the user identify existing or potential health and safety issues and meet legal responsibilities in relation to health and safety in the office.
With so many changing regulations, don’t let your company or your employees be caught unprepared. Contact RegScan today to learn more about our i-Comply Home Office Rules offering and how RegScan can help you and your organization maintain compliance.
i-Comply Home Office Rules checklists cover a number of global jurisdictions in an easy-to-use question-and-answer format. i-Comply Home Office Rules are included in RegScan’s subscription platform and through many of its strategic partners.