As of March 17, Jordan has suspended all commercial flights and closed all land and sea borders until 30 March. Additionally, a curfew is in place from 6 p.m. to 10 a.m (See Announcement).
Special guidance was issued to workplaces encouraging employers to urge employees, through the circulation of flyers, to follow general preventive measures, including regularly cleaning their hands, maintaining a distance of no less than one meter (3 feet) with anyone coughing or sneezing, and to follow proper hygiene. Employers are also required to continuously provide workplaces with adequate napkins and tissues, water, soap, and hand sanitizers, as well as regularly clean and disinfect the work areas. Employers must ensure adequate ventilation and prevent overcrowding, meetings and events should be postponed as much as possible, or be held via electronic means. If an employee shows any respiratory symptoms, he/she must be sent home immediately. Employers should be flexible to allow employees to stay at home if they are responsible for caring for a family member suffering from the coronavirus. Additionally, employers are required to inform employees about these policies and establish a method for communicating information to employees and business partners about the company’s plans to respond to an outbreak of infectious diseases, the latest information and developments about the COVID-19 virus, taking into account the anticipation of widespread anxiety, fear, rumors, and misinformation about the virus, and planning accordingly (See Employers Guidelines).
Employers should continue to check with relevant authorities for the latest information:
– Ministry of Health COVID-19 Page