As of March 22, 2020, India is not allowing any incoming scheduled international commercial passenger aircraft to disembark its passengers on Indian soil (See Travel Advisory). Additionally, nationwide lockdown measures were enforced on India’s population effective March 25, 2020, and extended until May 3, 2020 (See Lockdown Status).
Commercial and private establishments shall be closed down and/or working from home with some exceptions, such as; petrol pumps, LPG, petroleum and gas retail, and storage outlets; power generation, transmission and distribution units, and services. (See Consolidated Guidelines)
Also, industrial establishments will remain closed except for;
(a) Manufacturing units of essential goods, including drugs, pharmaceutical, medical devices, their raw materials & intermediates.
(b) Production units, which require continuous process, after obtaining required permission from the State Government.
(c) Coal and mineral production, transportation, supply of explosives and activities incidental to mining operations.
(d) Manufacturing units of packaging material for food items, drugs, pharmaceutical, and medical devices.
(e) Manufacturing and packaging units of Fertilizers, Pesticides, and Seeds. (See Consolidated Guidelines)
Private employers and private sector entities, if they are permitted to operate, are required to allow employees to work from home. They are also encouraged to minimize or reschedule meetings involving a large number of people unless necessary, and if possible conduct meetings through video conferences. Businesses are required to maintain hygiene and physical distancing in all activities. (See Social Distancing Advisory)
Employers must disinfect their offices and work areas in accordance with the ‘Guidelines on Disinfection of Common Public Places Including Offices’ which detail specific cleaning methods, use of disinfecting substances with certain ingredients and alcohol level, as well as providing cleaning personnel with appropriate PPE. (See Guidelines on Disinfection)
Employers should continue to check with relevant authorities for the latest information:
– Government of India COVID-19 Page
– Ministry of External Affairs COVID-19 Page
– Ministry of Home Affairs
– Ministry of Health and Family Welfare COVID-19 Page
– Indian Bureau of Immigration COVID-19 Page

The Government of Gujarat issued a relaxation in working hours in Factories, due to COVID-19, in accordance with the Central Government decision to be implemented between April 20, and July 19, 2020.
Business must comply with measures concerning work hours and proportion of wages including the following:
– No adult worker shall be allowed or required to work in a factory for more than 12 hours in any day and 72 hours in any week.
– The periods of work of adult workers in a factory each day shall be so fixed that no period shall exceed six hours and that no worker shall work for more than six hours before he has had an interval for rest of at least half an hour
– No female workers shall be allowed or required to work in a factory between 7:00 pm to 6:00 am.
– Wages shall be in proportion of the existing wages (e.g. if wages for eight hours are 80 Rupees, then proportionate wages for twelve hours will be120 Rupees).
Employers should continue to check with relevant authorities for the latest information:
– Director of Labour (
– Gujarat Goveronment (